Category: Information
WHAT IS KALI PHOS? Kali Phos is a Tissue Salt, also known as Potassium Phosphate. It is an amazing tissue salt that I use in my practice on a very regular basis. I see so many people suffering from the effects of stress these days and apart from Reflexology, which can soothe the nervous system […]
Reiki – Explained
THE MEANING OF REIKI REI-KI (pronounced Ray-Key) Rei means universal and Ki meaning life force energy, so put together Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. Let me start by giving you the dictionary definition of Reiki: ‘A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means […]
Diabetes and Reflexology
Reflexology can help in treating the symptoms of Diabetes Firstly, to explain a little about this disease. Diabetes is a condition where the circulating glucose (sugar) is too high because the body cannot utilise it properly. Whenever we eat or drink, a lot of our foodstuff is broken down into a simple sugar called glucose. […]
Anxiety – Reflexology and Reiki can help
Anxiety is a condition that is so common place that most of you will have suffered from this condition at some time in your life. According to the dictionary Anxiety is a feeling of worry,fear, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Something that causes a feeling of fear or worry. Although this […]
Reflexology and Reiki for Good Health and Wellbeing
I have decided to write a piece about how Reflexology and Reiki can assist in Good Health and Wellbeing, as it occurred to me that often people come in for treatment when suffering specific symptoms. I find myself thinking how much better it would be if we all took action to keep ourselves well. Although […]
Hay Fever
I decided to write about Hay fever this week, as we are about to enter the ‘sneezing season’. WHAT IS HAY FEVER Hay Fever or Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis as it is also known, is an allergic reaction to pollen. To explain that in a little more detail, pollen is a fine powder released by […]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I have decided to write a piece about Irritable Bowel Syndrome this week as it is a condition I seem to be treating on a regular basis these days. I recently read that about 1 in 5 people in the UK develop IBS at some stage in their lives. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome […]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – HOW REFLEXOLOGY CAN HELP I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for years and therefore what follows is quite personal to me. As you read this please believe me there is hope. In the 1980s, when I was first diagnosed, there was no real help and although I was blessed with a […]
Tissue Salts
Inorganic Mineral Salts Dr Schuessler, an eminent 19th century German Physician discovered that our body’s contain 12 inorganic mineral salts (Tissue Salts), that are required for optimum health. He named this system of medicine biochemistry (the chemistry of life). These essential mineral salts should be present in our food when grown organically in mineral rich […]